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It’s a Clogged Duct Miracle!

Therapeutic breast ultrasound may be just the solution to your clogged duct woes.

I had never heard of therapeutic ultrasound, but I came across this procedure when I was dealing with a frustrating recurrent clogged duct. This stupid clog was tanking my supply and even caused me to get additional clogs elsewhere. Ugh! I tried everything to make this clog go away - massage, heat, vibration, warm showers, Happy Ducts tincture (yuck), and sooo many capsules of sunflower lecithin. I desperately emailed my lactation consultant and she recommended this treatment. And lo and behold, my clog was gone after just 1 treatment! It was a miracle worker for me and I’m here to spread the word about this amazing alternative treatment for clogged ducts.

Clogged Ducts Need Prompt Treatment

Clogged ducts suck! Not only are they uncomfortable but they can also lead to scary infectious complications such as mastitis and breast abscess if not promptly or correctly treated. Clogged ducts affect many of us while breastfeeding, but particularly those with latch issues, are exclusive pumpers (like myself), can’t pump or feed at least every 3 hours (like me, ahem, back at work at 6 weeks…), and fatty milk makers (also like me). So, with all my risk factors, it’s no wonder my left breast tends to create clogs. I swear, if I go anything over 4.5 hours between pumps it clogs. So temperamental!

Enter: Miracle Cure. How Therapeutic Breast Ultrasound Works

Therapeutic ultrasound is a simple in-office treatment that uses ultrasound waves to increase blood supply to the affected milk duct and break up the clog from within. Hello, milk flow! I could tell my treatment worked because I felt more fluid pockets within the clog during my post-treatment pumping session.

Many women may find full relief after just 1 session, but others may require up to 3-5 sessions. In my opinion, if you’re at 3 sessions and still nothing, you might really need to consider other treatments and underlying causes. I feel like mine resolved fairly quickly after just 1 session because I had laid all the ground work trying all other remedies prior to this appointment. Plus, I was diligent on my post-care and stayed on an every 3 hour pump schedule the next 24 hours.

Did it hurt?

Nope! And omg the relief when that clog finally clears! All I felt during my treatment was an occasional tingling and warming sensation.

Since I am such a believer now in this treatment and I feel like it could really benefit my patients, I am now offering this service in my office at Plano Women’s Healthcare. Please reach out to me on my contact page or find more information at on how to see me in clinic.

Keep that milk flowing! XO

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